Catherine Chabiron, Institut Lean France

Catherine Chabiron, Institut Lean France

Catherine Chabiron is the former Director of IS Governance at Faurecia, a major French industrial group. For 8 years, she has worked at the heart of the Lean transformation of Faurecia’s IS department.   Join Catherine’s masterclass “Lean and Information Systems in today’s large corporations – what does it imply and how to manage it?” on 7 October 2015 to learn from her unique experience: The IS department of a lean corporation, sooner or later, will have to answer the question of how to contribute to the company’s overall Lean approach. This...
Lean & Agile digital content

Lean & Agile digital content

Early in 2013, we realised that we needed to change the way we manage operations and projects. Whilst the team was delivering, we knew that we’d be challenged to do more with less. Also, as the team had grown, colleagues no longer knew what each other was working on, leading to difficulty in coordination, morale and managing customer expectations. Starting with the team in Berlin, we are using a mixture of classic lean philosophy, lean startup and agile methodology to plan, deliver, evaluate and communicate our work. We are just a few months in and, although there is...
Rasmus Strand, Fujitsu Sweden

Rasmus Strand, Fujitsu Sweden

Rasmus is a Fujitsu Lean Academy Gold-level accredited Lean Implementer working with Fujitsu Sweden. He has worked with several large implementation projects with Fujitsu Sweden, helping to foster the idea of continuous improvement with the corporate structure.
Nicolas Stampf, BP2I

Nicolas Stampf, BP2I

Nicolas Stampf works with BP2I, a joint venture of IBM and BNP Paribas. He is a lean coach in IT Operations with a developing interest in creating respectful change in organizations using strength-based principles. He has mostly facilitated transversal kaizen workshops (business-developers-operations) where he helped teams (re)communicate and thereby solve the problems that prevented the whole process from functioning properly. Follow Nicolas on Twitter.
Pierre Pezziardi, Hello Merci

Pierre Pezziardi, Hello Merci

Entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker. Pierre advocates the idea of “convivial computing”: systems aimed at empowering people, opening up pyramidal organizations and supporting self-organized teams. He is OCTO Technology co-founder, a leading IT consulting firm in France, and originated the USI conference, gathering since 2008 a community of leaders in large corporate Information Systems. He founded Octopus Microfinance, now the leading Open Source Platform for the microfinance industry. Octopus is a worldwide community of practitioners in Lean and Agile...
Jeromy Markwort, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jeromy Markwort, Pacific Northwest Natio...

Jeromy Markwort has been working in IT for close to 15 years and is currently leading Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Lean IT initiative. He has a degree in Industrial Technology from Cal Poly SLO and has enjoyed getting back to process improvement and leveraging his manufacturing background to improve processes in IT.