Sudip Pal, Ericsson India Global Services

Sudip Pal, Ericsson India Global Service...

Today industries are going through rapid and disruptive changes across the world. IT Companies that had been providing software & application services through traditional IT development model are increasingly turning to more innovative development practices to help them meet changing customer demands. Current ways of working result in repetitive manual tasks with avoidable waste of time and effort thereby causing lower C-Sat, low efficiency, less competitiveness and financial drainage. With services evolving faster each year and growing customer demands, mastering the...
Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, Theodo

Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, Theodo

How does Lean management help the startups grow? According to Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, co-founder and CEO of mobile and web dev start up Theodo, the Lean practice is the perfect approach CEOs need to solve the issues their fast growing startups are faced with. He explained the benefits in terms of turnover growth as well as strategic alignment, team empowerment, anxiety transformed into creativity, ability to focus on the right issues and to solve them. He also explained why Lean management is complementary to Agile software development. Biography Benoît...
Pierre Masai, Toyota Motor Europe

Pierre Masai, Toyota Motor Europe

Hoshin Kanri literally means “Compass Management”. Its main purpose is to agree the direction at each level of the company in a way that leaves both latitude to operational units – IT included – to formulate their own plans, and to align them horizontally and vertically from the top company direction to the employees and back (“catchball process”). Pierre Masai will share insights and explain concretely how this process works at Toyota, including at the IT function he leads, but also the experiment he conducted to support the Hoshin process of any organization...
How can we really build delightful products with lean and agile?

How can we really build delightful produ...

Prof.Daniel Jones, Michael Ballé, Takashi Tanaka, Régis Medina, Steve Bell, Mike Orzen, Hakan Forss, Laurent Bossavit and Antoine Contal. The lean founders and agile gurus will answer the question: How can we really build delightful products with lean and agile?...
Gemba walks in IT project management: digging for improvement opportunities

Gemba walks in IT project management:

A domain manager in the IT department of a large Italian bank, is learning to see waste in her IT operations, and realizing that the gemba reality is often different from what she ever imagined. Learning to see in IT is not easy. Knowing which questions to ask, where to look and what to explore deeper is a technique one acquires by practicing over and over. But you can only make better decisions after you’ve been there. ...