Lean and Agile

Lean and Agile

IT managers who want to improve their software development activities are quickly faced with the “Lean or Agile?” question. Are lean and agile the same thing? Should we deploy agile before implementing lean? Having been on both sides of the table, Régis will share what he has learned so far about both approaches, and how best to use them to create high performance software development organizations.
Lean or Agile: using kanban to build in quality

Lean or Agile: using kanban to build in ...

In lean, kanban is a kaizen tool to reach single-piece flow, and so build in quality through Jidoka. In other words, kanban is a learning tool. In agile, kanbans and burn-down charts are often used as execution tools to make the process more agile, but without any direct impact on quality. By rethinking the underlying principles of kaban and built-in quality we can shift the focus back on product quality in development projects. How to build-in quality into design, and why using kaban properly really matters. Built in Quality by Michael Ballé – Lean IT Summit...
Régis Medina, Institut Lean France

Régis Medina, Institut Lean France

Régis is the main Lean IT expert in Europe. As a Lean coach specializing in IT projects, and a Partner at Operae Partners, he has been coaching teams for the past 6 years, helping them deliver their projects on time, with the expected quality and constantly focusing on the users’needs. Based on his coaching experience, he co-authored the first book in French about the practice of Lean management in IT: “La pratique du lean management dans l’IT”. Precursor of Agile software development in France, he has co-authored the first book about Agile in...