Sudip Pal, Ericsson India Global Services

Sudip Pal, Ericsson India Global Service...

Today industries are going through rapid and disruptive changes across the world. IT Companies that had been providing software & application services through traditional IT development model are increasingly turning to more innovative development practices to help them meet changing customer demands. Current ways of working result in repetitive manual tasks with avoidable waste of time and effort thereby causing lower C-Sat, low efficiency, less competitiveness and financial drainage. With services evolving faster each year and growing customer demands, mastering the...
David Bogaerts, ING Bank

David Bogaerts, ING Bank

The ING Bank case study: In 2010 we started working Agile in our Internet Banking department (28 teams & 220 employees) and created nice results. It felt however as if we kept banging our heads against big issues all the time. Introducing technical improvements only helped to solve part of our issues, however we never seemed to get away from trouble shooting. Slowly we started to realize that if we wanted to make real progress, we had to deal with the real root cause: us as a management team. Organize ourselves as management and have the discipline of not disturbing...
Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, Theodo

Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, Theodo

How does Lean management help the startups grow? According to Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, co-founder and CEO of mobile and web dev start up Theodo, the Lean practice is the perfect approach CEOs need to solve the issues their fast growing startups are faced with. He explained the benefits in terms of turnover growth as well as strategic alignment, team empowerment, anxiety transformed into creativity, ability to focus on the right issues and to solve them. He also explained why Lean management is complementary to Agile software development. Biography Benoît...
Lean or Agile: using kanban to build in quality

Lean or Agile: using kanban to build in ...

In lean, kanban is a kaizen tool to reach single-piece flow, and so build in quality through Jidoka. In other words, kanban is a learning tool. In agile, kanbans and burn-down charts are often used as execution tools to make the process more agile, but without any direct impact on quality. By rethinking the underlying principles of kaban and built-in quality we can shift the focus back on product quality in development projects. How to build-in quality into design, and why using kaban properly really matters. Built in Quality by Michael Ballé – Lean IT Summit...
Klaus Petersen, Solar Group

Klaus Petersen, Solar Group

Turn a disastrous ERP implementation into a successful one using Lean Company-wide ERP implementations are quite complicated, and unfortunately, they often turn into nightmares: long delays, cost overruns, business disruption, all this causing great damage to the company and the customers. The European sourcing and service providing company Solar started they own ERP implementation 4 years ago. After chaotic beginnings, they decided to capitalize on the lessons learned from their prior 5-year Lean journey to ensure a smooth, quality and customer-focused deployment of the...